Dear Depressed Vanda


You are depressed, seeing life through gray lenses, with no zest, just heaviness, and noise. You're struggling with the idea of taking medication, and you're being hard on yourself for deciding not to.

I know this advice may not be popular with you: Don’t take the meds. Before you push back, hear me out:

Consider this… What if your depression is a natural reaction to the years of pushing yourself too hard, with no rest or breaks, an endless to-do list, and a constant feeling of failure? You've been playing hard, working hard, and giving patience and compassion to others, but not to yourself. You burned the candle on both ends sweetheart. What if the state you are in is nature's way of telling you to slow down and take care of yourself? Press the brake and re-examine your life. You'll get through this.

I'm writing to you from the other side, where the days are bright, you dance in the kitchen in the morning, and laugh at poop jokes. It's okay to let your heart break and feel the pain fully. Don't try to fight the exhaustion and sadness. And don't beat yourself up over reconsidering medication every day.

You know what’s right for you in your heart. Listen to it.

Loving you,
Yours truly.


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Dear Disillusioned Pregnant vanda