Pyscho-Somatic Movement Therapy

Pyscho-Somatic Movement Therapy

If years of talk therapy have you feeling stalled out with limited results and you are ready to invite your body and spirit to the party; you are in the right place. Welcome to vandaland.

The subconscious lives in the body and runs the show through triggers and repetitive patterns. Using movement, body sensation awareness and breathwork, we explore and find what we haven’t made peace with, take responsibility for the parts of ourselves we are driven to deny and be accountable for what may lay outside our awareness. The path to change is this way ↓

People who find their way to me:

  • are experiencing anxiety and depressive symptoms but are not interested in a diagnosis and want to explore mind-body ways of coming back to balance.

  • have ongoing body tension, and pain and want to learn how to support themselves physically and emotionally.

  • want to explore the origins of their emotional patterns through breathwork and somatic practice and are motivated to change repetitive patterns that lead to diminished relationships with themselves and others.

  • feel stalled out after years of talk therapy and wanting to try a more integrated mind-body and spirit approach to feeling better.

  • went through a big change (new motherhood, death, divorce, job loss, career change) and want help recovering their sense of self.

  • have been on a journey to regain health & wellbeing for a while, and have been told it is all in their head, the lab tests are okay, or the findings don’t explain the fatigue, pain, or lack of joy they feel.

  • want to understand how the food they are eating supports or derails their mental and emotional health.

  • are fed up with their own BS and are ready to let go of the belief that they are inadequate, want help in establishing new habits while acknowledging what shaped them, and integrate the good, the bad, and the ugly into a more whole and treasured life.

Hi, I’m Vanda. I believe the key to well-being is connection: to ourselves and othersβ€”self-awareness, acceptance, and access to personal joy spill over to fulfilling relationships.

Navigating the complexities of my life, I trained in modalities that I found miraculous, accumulating an array of diverse trainings - I learned that when we are out of alignment with ourselves and our close ones - our body, mind, and spirit let us know. Sometimes it is with worry and anxiety. Sometimes it’s depression. Sometimes aches and pains. Sometimes anger and sadness. Our bodies and nervous systems communicate with us. You can become your own healer when you know how to listen for and properly support your physical and emotional needs. Every symptom, behavior, and belief makes sense if we slow down long enough to understand it.

I coach from lived experience. I spent my twenties and thirties overextending myself - serial entrepreneurship to burnout, complexities of motherhood, raising small children, depression, body image issues, childhood trauma, boundary violations, addiction, looming divorce to name a few. It’s been a ride to grasp what true self-care is. Have I figured it all out? Lol, no... I've learned a lot from my ups and downs and I am here to help you navigate yours. 



In person | Carbondale, CO

WEEKLY: Yoga & Meditation class at True Nature on Thursdays at 11am.

TWICE / YEAR: I offer an 8 week series called Mother Circle and a 3-week Embodied Parenting series.

Each equinox - Somatic Breakwork Immersion at True Nature.

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1:1 Sessions

Yoga therapy and somatic healing tailored to you.

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Vanda Ciceryova Hodgins

My approach

I help you become your own healer by showing you how to (A) listen for and (B) properly support your physical and emotional needs.

Most of us have not been taught what self care means. We are able to burn the candle on both ends in our 20s but as we become mothers or move into our late 30s and 40s our body starts speaking up and asking for care in a myriad of ways: aches, pains, anxiety, depression, gut issues, pms and more.

The good news is that it is never too late to learn meaningful ways to care for our body, mind & spirit. When we do, our body speaks its gratitude with health.

Your body and your nervous system are communicating with you. Learning their language is more simple than you might think.

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.

(Chinese Proverb)

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now. (Chinese Proverb)


β€œIn the search for enlightenment, there is an
ever-present certainty that there is more to do,
someone who holds the secret,
another state to attain.

In the finding of it, there is the comical revelation
that not one of those things was ever true."

I Ching Wisdom